Trading Cards
Cession 464
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Related Information
Cession Number
Nations as named in historic documents
Chippewa of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River in Michigan
Present-day Nations
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan
Aug. 2, 1855
Royce’s Schedule of Indian Land Cessions (Aug. 2, 1855)
Treaty entry in Charles J. Kappler
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Oct. 18, 1864
Royce’s Schedule of Indian Land Cessions (Oct. 18, 1864)
Treaty entry in Charles J. Kappler
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Treaties related via shared date(s)
RIT 297 - Ratified Indian Treaty 297: Chippewa of Sault Ste. Marie - Detroit, Michigan, August 2, 1855
RIT 297 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie, Concluded August 2, 1855, and Ratified April 24, 1856 (Copy 1 of 5)
RIT 297 - Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie Signed at Detroit, Michigan
RIT 297 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie, Concluded August 2, 1855, and Ratified April 24, 1856 (Copy 5 of 5)
RIT 297 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie, Concluded August 2, 1855, and Ratified April 24, 1856 (Copy 2 of 5)
RIT 297 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie, Concluded August 2, 1855, and Ratified April 24, 1856 (Copy 3 of 5)
RIT 297 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Sault Ste. Marie, Concluded August 2, 1855, and Ratified April 24, 1856 (Copy 4 of 5)
RIT 298 - Ratified Indian Treaty 298: Chippewa of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River - Detroit, Michigan, August 2, 1855
RIT 298 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Tribes of Indians, Made at the City of Detroit, August 2, 1855, and Ratified June 21, 1856 (Copy 4 of 5)
RIT 298 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Tribes of Indians, Made at the City of Detroit, August 2, 1855, and Ratified June 21, 1856 (Copy 1 of 5)
RIT 298 - Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River Signed at Detroit, Michigan
RIT 298 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Tribes of Indians, Made at the City of Detroit, August 2, 1855, and Ratified June 21, 1856 (Copy 2 of 5)
RIT 298 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Tribes of Indians, Made at the City of Detroit, August 2, 1855, and Ratified June 21, 1856 (Copy 3 of 5)
RIT 298 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Tribes of Indians, Made at the City of Detroit, August 2, 1855, and Ratified June 21, 1856 (Copy 5 of 5)
RIT 333 - Ratified Indian Treaty 333: Chippewa (Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River) - Isabella, Michigan, October 18, 1864
RIT 333 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, Michigan, Concluded October 18, 1864, and Ratified August 16, 1866 (Copy 3 of 5)
RIT 333 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, Michigan, Concluded October 18, 1864, and Ratified August 16, 1866 (Copy 5 of 5)
RIT 333 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, Michigan, Concluded October 18, 1864, and Ratified August 16, 1866 (Copy 2 of 5)
RIT 333 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, Michigan, Concluded October 18, 1864, and Ratified August 16, 1866 (Copy 4 of 5)
RIT 333 - Treaty Between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River Signed at the Isabella Indian Reservation, Michigan
RIT 333 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, Michigan, Concluded October 18, 1864, and Ratified August 16, 1866 (Copy 1 of 5)
Historic Maps
Map Name
Michigan 2
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