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Cession 511
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Related Information
Cession Number
Nations as named in historic documents
Present-day Nations
Comanche Nation, Oklahoma
Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Oct. 18, 1865
Royce’s Schedule of Indian Land Cessions (Oct. 18, 1865)
Treaty entry in Charles J. Kappler
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Oct. 21, 1867
Royce’s Schedule of Indian Land Cessions (Oct. 21, 1867)
Treaty entry in Charles J. Kappler
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Treaties related via shared date(s)
RIT 343 - Ratified Indian Treaty 343: Kiowa and Comanche - Little Arkansas River, Kansas, October 18, 1865
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 6 of 6)
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 2 of 6)
RIT 343 - Treaty Between the United States and the Kiowa and Comanche Indians Signed at the Little Arkansas River, Kansas
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 1 of 6)
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 3 of 6)
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 4 of 6)
RIT 343 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Camanche [Comanche] and Kiowa Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 18, 1865; Ratification Advised May 22, 1866; Proclaimed May 26, 1866 (Copy 5 of 6)
RIT 364 - Ratified Indian Treaty 364: Kiowa and Comanche - Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas, October 21, 1867
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 5 of 6)
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 4 of 6)
RIT 364 - Treaty Between the United States and the Kiowa and Comanche Indians Signed at Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 1 of 6)
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 6 of 6)
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 3 of 6)
RIT 364 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 2 of 6)
RIT 365 - Ratified Indian Treaty 365: Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache - Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas, October 21, 1867
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 1 of 6)
RIT 365 - Treaty Between the United States and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians Signed at Medicine Lodge Creek, Kansas
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 3 of 6)
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 6 of 6)
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 4 of 6)
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 2 of 6)
RIT 365 - Printed Copy of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians, Concluded October 21, 1867; Ratification Advised July 25, 1868; Proclaimed August 25, 1868 (Copy 5 of 6)
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Texas (portion of)
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